2023 Mississippi State University Cotton Agronomy Field Day

MAFES Veteran’s Memorial Rose Garden 601 Highway 182, Starkville, MS, United States

The purpose of this field day is to showcase our research and extension efforts to growers, industry, consultants, and anyone else interested in Mississippi. The tour will highlight cotton variety testing and our D.E.M.O. program. The cotton D.E.M.O. program is aimed to guide graduate students through demonstration, education, and mentoring. A lunch will be served […]

Plains Cotton Advisory Group Meeting

When: 7:30 a.m. on Friday, August 25 Where: PCG conference room - 8303 Aberdeen Avenue in Lubbock. (Zoom option if you can't attend in person.) Guest Speaker: Jacob Riley KLBK […]

69th Supima Annual Meetings

SAVE THE DATE Please join us for the 69th Supima Annual Meetings this August and September.  Members and all segments of the industry will have the opportunity to learn about […]

Fisher Delta Field Day Expo

Lee Farm, Rone Exhibition Hall 102 County Road 308, Portageville, MO, United States

The T.E. “Jake” Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center (FD-REEC) is hosting the Fisher Delta Field Day Expo Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023 in Rone Hall at the Lee Farm location (102 […]

Applications Due: Climate Smart Cotton Program

The National Cotton Council reminds its producer members that September 1, 2023, is the deadline for both enrolling this season’s cotton crop in the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol and applying […]

2023 Cotton Tour

West TN AgResearch & Education Center 605 Airways Blvd

The Cotton Tour is a field day presented by UT AgResearch and UT Extension. Please check back for additional details and registration information as this event date approaches. Visit the event […]

2023 MSU Row Crop Short Course

Cotton Mill Conference Center 100 Mercantile St, Starkville, MS, United States

Visit the event homepage for more info.

Alabama Row Crops Short Course

The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center 241 S College St, Auburn, AL, United States

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System agronomic crops team is excited to announce the 2023 Alabama Row Crops Short Course. This statewide conference is held each year. Join the team for […]