American Cotton Producers

Hyatt Regency DFW 2334 N International Pkwy., Dallas, TX, United States

The National Cotton Council's American Cotton Producers' annual meeting will be held on April 14th and 15th. Please check here for more event details.

10th Annual Mid-South Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference

University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law 1 North Front Street, Memphis, TN, United States

Agriculture in the Mid-South is uniquely impacted by changes and developments in state, federal, and international laws and policies.  This program is part of a long-term effort to provide relevant […]

Georgia Cotton Commission Mid-Year Meeting

Nessmith-Lane Conference Center (located in Georgia Southern University) 847 Plant Dr, Statesboro, GA, United States

Visit the Georgia Cotton Commission's event page for more details.

Blacklands Farm Managers Tour 2023

Middlecreek Farms 396 White Plains Road, Engelhard, NC, United States

Featuring Special Guest Rob Sharkley, the Shark Farmer. Read more and find the event flyer here.

UGA Southeast Research and Education Center Field Day – Plains, GA

The Southwest Georgia Research and Education Center will hold a Field Day on August 16, 2023. Topics will include variety testing, plant breeding, pest management, weed management, and more. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the farm tour starting at 9:00 a.m. Pre-register by August 11, 2023 by contacting us at 229-824-4375.

2023 Mississippi State University Cotton Agronomy Field Day

MAFES Veteran’s Memorial Rose Garden 601 Highway 182, Starkville, MS, United States

The purpose of this field day is to showcase our research and extension efforts to growers, industry, consultants, and anyone else interested in Mississippi. The tour will highlight cotton variety testing and our D.E.M.O. program. The cotton D.E.M.O. program is aimed to guide graduate students through demonstration, education, and mentoring. A lunch will be served […]

Plains Cotton Advisory Group Meeting

When: 7:30 a.m. on Friday, August 25 Where: PCG conference room - 8303 Aberdeen Avenue in Lubbock. (Zoom option if you can't attend in person.) Guest Speaker: Jacob Riley KLBK […]

69th Supima Annual Meetings

SAVE THE DATE Please join us for the 69th Supima Annual Meetings this August and September.  Members and all segments of the industry will have the opportunity to learn about […]