Proven To Perform

The National Cotton Council is actively encouraging its members to adopt industry-approved module wrap products to reduce contamination of both seed cotton and lint.

What is the module wrap standard?

gary adams, ncc
Gary Adams, NCC

In early 2022, the approval and publication of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) cotton module cover material performance standard, which includes specifications for round module wrap, was finalized. While the standard is voluntary, the National Cotton Council and National Cotton Ginners Association have policies that support and promote the ASABE standard.

The U.S. cotton industry is taking all necessary measures to eliminate plastic contamination in baled cotton. The specifications serve as a minimum performance standard and were developed from existing wrap physical properties that have been proven to perform at an acceptable level. The effort and investment that go into cotton production deserve reliable outcomes. Using wrap material that meets the minimum standard provides the assurance that seed cotton will arrive at the gin in optimal condition, and the likelihood of plastic contamination entering the gin, and ultimately the ginned bale, is greatly reduced.

Proper use of approved round module wrap can significantly reduce seed cotton/lint contamination.

One of the foremost priorities of the U.S. cotton industry is the continued delivery of quality, contamination-free cotton in the global marketplace, a priority that is more critical than ever due to fierce competition from other growths and man-made fibers. The U.S. cotton industry must work to eliminate plastic contamination that can be caused by round module wrap material.

Any new developments?

Moving into the 2024 ginning season, there are 28 companies identified that are marketing round module wrap in the United States. The NCC has diligently worked to catalog as many of these wraps and manufacturers as possible and inform them that if they are marketing in the U.S., there is an ASABE standard for the wrap. The NCC also has received performance reports for some of these wrap materials, highlighting issues related to tail slippage, adhesives, and missing RFID tags. This has been particularly challenging for ginners who are utilizing RFID to track modules. To address these concerns, ongoing discussions are taking place within the industry. NCC’s focus is on promoting the use of round module wraps that meet the ASABE standard, ensuring better performance and reliability for ginners and cotton producers. In addition to the Tama premium wrap and S and K Premium Blue Wrap that meets the standard (as of May 8, 2024), there is one additional company that is working toward approval, and two more manufacturers that anticipate beginning testing this year.

The NCC serves as the depository for the names and manufacturers who meet the minimum standard. A copy of the standard, along with other relevant information, including the names of companies and the specific module wraps that meet the performance standard, can be found on the NCC website at

I encourage our members to prioritize contamination prevention by utilizing these resources and working as a team from the field to the gin. With vigilance and strong communication, we can successfully eliminate contamination.

Gary Adams is president/CEO of the National Cotton Council of America.

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