I had the blessing to grow up as both the daughter and granddaughter of Texas cotton consultants. I learned early in life what hard, grueling work looked like. I learned that summer vacations were non-existent, but riding around in the truck with my dad and learning to scout the long rows of cotton every summer was so much better for building my work ethic. I learned there were a lot of early mornings and late nights, but I got to see the beauty of the sunrises and sunsets in the fields as the season progressed. Most of all, I learned it takes a special person to be a cotton consultant.
It’s one of those jobs where you don’t have the predictability of a steady work-life balance or even a steady paycheck, but you get the privilege of helping steward the land we’ve been given and see a crop through from planting to harvest — with every single decision and recommendation in between. These consultants know the value of it all and choose every day to treat the crop like their own and make the best recommendations possible for their growers’ bottom lines.
The Cotton Consultant of the Year Award, co-sponsored by Syngenta and Cotton Farming, has been around since 1981 and is celebrating its 44th anniversary this year. My grandfather was selected as the 1987 CCOY, with my dad following in his larger-than-life footsteps and being honored in 2010. I could say so much more about the meaning of this award and how special it is to my family, but I would like to go ahead and encourage you to think of someone you may know worthy of this award that honors a cotton consultant who exemplifies outstanding grower relations, leadership and innovation.
I’ve been able to meet so many other giants — now friends — in the consulting industry that I may never have known had it not been for this award, and I am beyond thankful for each and every one of them. In a career that may at times not receive a lot of thanks, this award steps in to show just how much of a role they play in this industry.
“Not all heroes wear capes,” some say. One of my main heroes sure doesn’t, but he does wear a lot of hats… and the jacket he received as a CCOY winner certainly meant more to him and us than any cape ever could.
Had it not been for someone having the thought and taking the initiative to nominate my dad, we never would have been introduced to this award program with a truly inspired legacy.
Fill out the form online at cottonfarming.com/ccoy to take that initiative today.