Saturday, January 18, 2025

Farm Bill Frustration

10-13CFcvrAcross the Belt, many farmers are frustrated by Congress’s dilly-dallying over the Farm Bill or resigned to a “no sense of urgency” attitude when it comes to the viability of our nation’s producers.

Following is a sampling of what our readers who participated in the Web Poll had to say on this subject:

• “Congress doesn’t seem to feel farmers are important because we always face a waiting game each year.”

• “This Congress has done nothing else, so why would we expect a farm program from them? If they would quit calling each other names and work together for the good of the country, we would all be better off.”

• “Why not just do away with the farm program? We probably would be better off without it.”

• “If Congress would work as hard for the benefit of the country as they do for their own personal benefits, we might see some progress.”

• “We need the Farm Bill to help out the producers.”

• “As I left Washington, D.C., recently, I thought about what I learned from my visit. It seems to be the other party’s fault no matter which side you talked to. What a lot of new Congress-men/women don’t realize is that if something isn’t passed, it stays the same, so we basically have made no progress/compromise. I am really scared that we will be operating with no Farm Bill for a while. An extension would be good, but we have the Brazil case hanging over our heads that has to be addressed, or there will be retaliation! My thought is that we are not in a good position.” – Jimmy Webb

The results of the October Web Poll will be reported in the November issue of Cotton Farming.


Web Poll Results

How frustrating is it that the Farm Bill has not been passed and signed into law as we roll into the harvest season? Please explain in the “Comments” section.

• Very frustrating – 56 %

• Somewhat frustrating – 3 %

• About what I expected – 41 %

October Web Poll Question

Although this year’s cotton crop is considered “late” in many areas of the Belt, how would you rate your level of satisfaction with the 2013 crop as of harvest time? Please provide more specific details in the “Comments” section.

(1) Good to excellent

(2) Average

(3) Poor

Register your vote at

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