James Harper from Louisiana State University received the 2018 Foundation for Environmental Agriculture Education $3,000 scholarship. Also known as the Richard Jensen Scholarship, it commemorates one of the early members of the National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants.
Two other students were awarded $1,500 FEAE Scholarships: Michael Goodnight from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and Loren King from Michigan State University.
Scholarship Application
Three scholarships will be awarded in 2019: $3,000 for the Jensen Scholarship and two $1,500 NAICC Foundation Scholarships. One application will be eligible for all three scholarships and will be awarded based on merit.
Application Deadline Nov. 1. (Please review the scholarship criteria below before submitting the application)
NAICC’s Foundation for Environmental Agriculture Education will provide a $3,000 scholarship this year. It is awarded to a deserving college student in agriculture. It also is known as the Richard Jensen Scholarship.
NAICC’s Foundation for Environmental Agriculture Education will provide two $1,500 scholarships this year. They will be awarded to deserving college students in agriculture. Known as the NAICC Foundation Scholarships, the purpose is to raise awareness of the National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants and the association’s role in promoting crop consulting and research.
Completed applications are due by the deadline in order for the Scholarship Committee to determine the recipient. The winner will be notified in late November.
Send the completed form to the NAICC at the address specified on the application form or apply online. Only complete applications with transcript, proof of enrollment and two letters of recommendation will be considered.
Scholarship Criteria
Upon presentation of verified registration for the following term, the awards will be payable to each winners’ education institution to offset tuition. The scholarship is open to any student meeting the following qualifications:
1. Pursuing and presently enrolled in a four-year degree in a major or discipline in agriculture, such as soil science, agronomy, entomology, horticulture, plant pathology and weed science.
2. Completed a minimum of one year toward a four-year degree.
3. Submit to the Review Board the following:
• Application
• Transcripts
• Proof of enrollment in college/university (current class schedule)
• Two letters of reference attached, or mailed separately.