Deltapine adds 2 cotton varieties to Class of ’22

deltapine logoThe Deltapine New Product Evaluator Program recently completed its 14th season with an in-person summit to launch the Deltapine brand Class of ’22 cotton varieties. These were proven by NPE growers for top end-performance potential.

“The previous two classes of Deltapine cotton varieties included a range of maturities with high yield potential and outstanding fiber quality, which raised the bar on performance in Bollgard 3 XtendFlex cotton, according to NPE growers,” said Keylon Gholston, Deltapine cotton products manager. “The Class of ’22 certainly continues the trend of high end-performance potential.”

DP 2239 B3XF

The  Class of ’22 includes DP 2239 B3XF, which was evaluated as pre-commercial variety
candidate 20R741B3XF. It is a mid-maturity Bollgard 3 XtendFlex cotton variety with outstanding fiber quality potential and the potential for improved fiber length versus DP 2038 B3XF. It also has shown potential for improved micronaire versus DP 2127 B3XF.

DP 2239 B3XF’s distinct cotton germplasm allows for a broad fit with consistent performance across varying growing conditions. As a result, it performs similarly to DP 1646 B2XF.

In fact, NPE growers reported that DP 2239 B3XF outyielded DP 1646 B2XF on their farms in 2021. they also said it was very responsive to plant growth regulators, Gholston said. This variety will be available for commercial planting in 2022.

DP 2211 B3TXF

An additional product in the Deltapine Class of ’22 is DP 2211 B3TXF, which was evaluated as precommercial variety candidate 20R816B3TXF. It is an an early maturity cotton variety with Bollgard 3 ThryvOn with XtendFlex Technology.

Pending regulatory approvals, ThryvOn Technology will be the industry’s first biotech trait to provide protection against tarnished plant bugs and thrips species. The trait has received full U.S. approval but is awaiting approval from several export markets.

DP 2211 B3TXF demonstrated strong yield potential versus top-planted Deltapine Class of ’20 and Class of ’21 varieties in 2021 NPE trials in short-season markets.

“NPE growers wanted this variety named to the Class of ’22 because of yield performance and maturity,” Gholston said. “Demonstrating solid performance across the upper Southeast and upper Mid-South, this variety showed us in 2021 that it also has the ability to travel into southern markets and still offer stable yield potential.

“We believe DP 2211 B3TXF will be a solid companion product to DP 2131 B3TXF, offering growers ThryvOn Technology protection in an early maturing cotton variety.”

Stewarded Ground Breakers Field Trials

For the 2022 growing season, DP 2211 B3TXF and DP 2131 B3TXF will be available for planting only through the Deltapine Stewarded Ground Breakers Field Trials. Prior to commercial release, growers and consultants managing stewarded field trials provide important feedback, including insect scouting and agronomic management recommendations, for the Bollgard 3 ThryvOn with XtendFlex Technology cotton varieties.

“Since we began the NPE Program in 2008, our goal has been to ensure pre-commercial variety candidates offer increased performance potential and improvement over what is currently available in a Deltapine brand seed bag,” Gholston said. “During evaluation, NPE growers must see improved performance potential or the variety candidate will not advance. Based on the positive performance experienced among NPE growers, these two variety candidates have been chosen for the Class of ’22.”

The Deltapine NPE Program involved 200 large-scale plot growers representing all growing areas of the Cotton Belt. More than 120 Deltapine NPE growers attended the 2021 NPE Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Deltapine contributed this article.

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