Deltapine Class of ’24 Raises the Bar With Two New Bollgard 3 ThryvOn Cotton With XtendFlex Technology Varieties

With the launch of the Class of ’24, Deltapine brand is raising the performance potential in cotton varieties containing the newest trait protection package: Bollgard 3 ThryvOn cotton with XtendFlex Technology (B3TXF).

Announced at the annual Deltapine New Product Evaluator (NPE) Summit held this year in San Antonio, Texas, the Deltapine Class of ’24 cotton varieties include a new nematode-resistant B3TXF cotton variety and a B3TXF variety that demonstrated outstanding performance in short-season, high-yield environments.

“For 16 seasons, nothing has launched in the Deltapine NPE Program unless it truly offers an improvement and only if the NPE growers give it their approval on performance, and this new class of Deltapine cotton varieties is no different,” said Eric Best, Deltapine cotton product manager.

“Of eight total variety candidates evaluated in 2023, two rose to the top. These two new cotton varieties were approved for performance by the NPE growers and will make strong additions to the already high-performing Deltapine commercial variety lineup.”

The Deltapine Class of ’24 cotton varieties are:

DP 2436NR B3TXF (evaluated as 22R1136NRB3TXF) is a mid-maturity cotton variety with resistance to root-knot nematodes and bacterial blight. It demonstrated strong performance in West Texas, showing yield potential on par with DP 1820 B3XF. This new product delivered outstanding fiber quality in NPE plots and has moderate tolerance to verticillium wilt. The best fit for its maturity will be Central to Southern Texas High Plains.

Of the NPE growers who evaluated this product, 89% approved its performance and rated it as likely to purchase and plant.

DP 2414 B3TXF (evaluated as 22R2112B3TXF) is an early maturity cotton variety that responded well to high-yield environments in 2023 NPE plots and showed yield potential and fiber quality on par with both DP 2115 B3XF and DP 2211 B3TXF. This variety fits the early season regions of the Mid-South, Southeast and in irrigated fields in the Northern High Plains of Texas. DP 2414 B3TXF had a 76% approval rating of its performance.

“The Class of ’24 continues our effort to bring to market new combinations of genetics and traits through the Deltapine NPE Program that offer improvements over current products in areas such as yield, fiber quality and native trait protections,” said Best.

“Once again, we thank the NPE growers who planted, managed, evaluated and provided their feedback on these new cotton varieties so we have confidence in their performance potential in their respective growing markets.”

More than 130 NPE cotton growers and their spouses from across the Cotton Belt attended the 2023 Deltapine NPE Summit to hear the latest information on variety performance, seed and trait technology, ag markets and weather. For more information about the Deltapine NPE Program, visit

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