Texas producers wanting to learn more about adopting soil health management can attend the virtual “Soil Health in Texas: Lessons from Long-term Study Sites” on Feb. 9. This episode will feature Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialists and Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists.
The Soil Health Institute, SHI, is the non-profit charged with enhancing the vitality and productivity of soils. The program is part of the SHI’s Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton Farmer Showcase, a series of eight online discussions with U.S. cotton farmers and experts being livestreamed at 1 p.m. CST each Tuesday through March 23.
Cotton producers, consultants and other interested parties may register one time to attend all eight episodes. Registration is free but required to participate. To register for the Feb. 9 showcase and learn more about SHI episodes, visit the institute’s website.
Texas discussion
The Feb. 9 program will feature results from long-term research studies conducted in the High Plains, Rolling Plains and South Texas cotton regions as well as a roundtable discussion with farmers experienced in using soil health promoting practices.
An overview will be provided by AgriLife Extension specialists Drs. Murilo Maeda, cotton specialist, Lubbock; Jourdan Bell, agronomist, Amarillo; Emi Kimura, agronomist and state peanut specialist, Vernon; and Josh McGinty, agronomist, Corpus Christi.
Challenges, benefits and lessons learned from long-term study sites will be summarized by AgriLife Research scientists Drs. Paul DeLaune, soil scientist, Vernon; Jamie Foster, forage agronomist, Beeville; and Katie Lewis, soil scientist, Lubbock.
In addition, there will be a roundtable discussion with High Plains cotton growers Jeremy Brown, Dawson County, and Barry Evans, Hale and Swisher counties, about their experiences using these practices.
Series goals
The Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton project provides farmer-focused education and training events delivered by SHI scientists, partnering with local soil health technical specialists and farmer mentors who have implemented successful soil health management systems.
The project aims to increase the adoption of soil health management systems among cotton producers while documenting environmental and economic benefits.
Texas A&m AgriLife Extension contributed this article.