LSU AgCenter students receive scholarships at LACA conference

scholarship winners
(from left) LSU agriculture students awarded scholarships at the Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association were ag business student Patrick Dean Jolly, recipient of a scholarship from Pest Management Enterprises; ag business major Colt Hardee, recipient of a scholarship from Louisiana Land Bank; entomology student Scott Lee, recipient of a scholarship from Belchim Crop Protection; and John Ontoy, a doctoral student in plant pathology, who received a scholarship from Ray and Dorothy Young — photo by Bruce Schultz, LSU AgCenter

Four Louisiana State University College of Agriculture students received scholarships during the recent 2020 Louisiana Agricultural Technology and Management Conference.

The conference, organized by the Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association, allowed companies to showcase their latest products and services. Experts from the LSU AgCenter and other universities also were on hand to discuss their research projects.

Colt Hardee, an undergraduate student in agribusiness, received a scholarship from the Louisiana Land Bank. He has worked crawfish fields, hauled rice and held several ag-related jobs on the LSU campus. He was named Undergraduate Student Leader of the Year.

Patrick Dean Jolly received a scholarship from Grady and Barbara Coburn of Pest Management Enterprises. Jolly is an undergraduate student in agribusiness, and he has maintained a 3.9 grade point average. He has worked with a crop consultant, and he helps maintain the Baton Rouge Country Club golf course.

John Ontoy received a scholarship from Ray and Dorothy Young. He completed his bachelors’ degree in plant pathology at the University of the Philippines Los Baños before continuing his education at LSU as a master’s student in plant pathology. He has worked on a study of salinity tolerance in rice and disease resistance for rice.

Scott Lee, an entomology doctoral student, received a scholarship from Belchim Crop Protection. He earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and he worked with mosquito control efforts in Minnesota and Iowa.

He currently is working on his doctoral dissertation on the resurgence of the soybean looper insect pest.

LSU AgCenter contributed this information.

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