Murilo Maeda Presented with Cotton Specialist of the Year Award

This year’s Cotton Specialist of the Year Award was presented to Murilo Maeda, former assistant professor and Extension cotton specialist for Texas A&M University.

From left to right: Benjamin McKnight, assistant professor and state Extension cotton specialist, Texas A&M University; Murilo Maeda, former assistant professor and Extension cotton specialist, Texas A&M University; W. Hunter Frame, associate professor and Extension cotton specialist, Virginia Tech.

“I have no words — the feeling right now is nothing but gratitude to the cotton industry, to this cotton specialist group and, quite honestly, to the American people,” he said.

Maeda, a Brazilian native, is going back home to be a technology lead for the breeding efforts of BASF in Brazil. He’ll be working specifically within the cotton breeding program to help develop, evaluate and implement new technologies for the breeding organization.

Murilo Maeda (left) accepts his Cotton Specialist of the Award from Benjamin McKnight (right).

“I can’t overlook the fact that if, today, I have the opportunity to go home to work for a good company, it is because I had the opportunity to come here and both learn, as well as work with the best of the best.”

The Cotton Specialist of the Year Award is presented annually during the Beltwide Cotton Conferences and is sponsored by BASF. Benjamin McKnight, state Extension cotton specialist and assistant professor at Texas A&M University presented this year’s award in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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