An Oct. 1 online cotton field day will conclude a series of four online commodity field days by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.
The Division of Agriculture held its research field days online this year to provide Arkansas growers safe, two-way interaction with division researchers and extension specialists during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Our virtual format allows us to evaluate practices in a way we have never been able to do before in our traditional a one-day live event,” said Bill Robertson, extension cotton agronomist.
The first-ever online cotton field day begins at 6 p.m. CDT and will last about an hour and a half.
“Producers, crop advisors and anyone involved in the decision-making process for cotton is invited to attend,” Robertson said.
The online field day is free, but registration is required to connect. Register online at
Certified crop advisors and Arkansas agricultural consultants may receive continuing education units for participating in the online field day, Robertson said.
Nathan Slaton, associate vice president for agriculture and assistant director of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, will open the online field day with a welcome to participants. Steve Stevens, chairman of the Arkansas Cotton State Support Committee, will present a message from the committee.
The following Division of Agriculture research and Extension scientists will give presentations via pre-recorded videos:
• Bill Robertson, professor and extension cotton agronomist, will give a season overview and cotton variety update.
• Matt Fryer, Extension soil health instructor, will discuss the benefits of improving soil health.
• Tom Barber, professor and Extension weed scientist, will talk about choosing the right residual herbicide at planting and early post-emergence.
• Gus Lorenz, Distinguished Professor and Extension entomologist; Ben Thrash, assistant professor and Extension entomologist; and Nick Bateman, assistant professor and Extension entomologist, will present early season insect management and plant bug management.
Following the presentations, the research and Extension scientists will answer participants’ questions during a live online panel discussion, Robertson said. Field day participants will have an opportunity to interact with scientists and learn more about how the research applies to their crops and operations.
For more information about online field days and to register for the cotton event, visit the 2020 virtual field day website: Recorded presentations from each online field day will be available for download from the website after the live broadcast.
The University of Arkansas contributed this article.