More Details Released About The Cotton Ginning Conference

national cotton ginners association logoThe Cotton Ginning Conference will take place during the 2022 Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Meetings begin at 1:30 p.m. CST Wednesday, Jan. 5, and conclude at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 6, at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas.

This technical conference provides a forum for researchers and industry representatives to exchange information on new technology to improve gin operation efficiency and the preservation of fiber quality. Industry issues will be addressed by researchers and industry experts covering areas such as innovative management strategies, energy conservation and contamination. They also will discuss environmental regulations compliance, labor law compliance and safety.

A joint session with the Cotton Engineering Systems Conference will include the most recent cotton ginning and harvesting research results. The primary focus of these presentations is related to cotton ginning and harvesting, environmental quality measurements and fiber quality preservation.

Here are a few of the topics and speakers:

  • Cottonseed electronic monitoring. Michael Prochar, speaker.
  • Tama proactive actions to minimize cotton contamination. James Cundiff, speaker.
  • Saw thickness impact on ginning energy. Paul A. Funk, speaker.
  • Improving the performance of a cotton gin plastic contamination cleaner. Derek P. Whitelock, speaker.
  • Product updates from Lummus Ag Technology 2022. Ross D. Rutherford, speaker.
  • John Deere C770 cotton harvesters. Christopher Murray, speaker.
  • Experimental investigation on seed cotton conveyance and drying for improving energy efficiency. S. Kumar, speaker.
  • Effect of moisture content on cottonseed shear strength. Caleb Riehl, speaker.

Those planning to attend the 2022 BWCC are encouraged to register by clicking on the registration tab at the BWCC home page, The home page also includes links to more information about the forum, including housing reservations.

Registration costs for the 2022 BWCC before Dec. 16 are:

  • $200 for NCC/Cotton Foundation members, university and USDA researchers, Extension personnel, associations and consultants.
  • $500 for non-U.S. research, Extension, associations and consultants.
  • $400 for non-NCC/Foundation members.
  • $80 for students.

On-site conference self-registration kiosks will be available 24 hours a day starting on the evening of Jan. 3. Beginning on the morning of Jan. 4, NCC staff will be available for attendees needing assistance with registration and name badge printing.

TCGA Calls For Texas Ginner Of The Year Nominations

Now is the time to send in your nomination for the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Ginner of the Year. Please take time to recommend someone. This is the highest honor a gin manager can receive from his or her peers in the industry. Here are the guidelines used to select the Ginner of the Year:

1. Service to customers by:

    • Quality ginning.
    • Ethical business standards.
    • Other constructive activities.

2. Service to all branches of the cotton industry through support and leadership of constructive activities and programs.

3. Other contributions to the people of the community, county and state such as:

    • Civic leadership.
    • Philanthropic work.

If you know someone who deserves this prestigious honor, send a letter to the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association describing his or her attributes. Support letters from other industry individuals and organizations are encouraged.

The deadline is Dec. 31.

Send the information to TCGA, Ginner of the Year, 211 W. Bagdad Ave., Round Rock, TX 78664-5803.

How Gins Can Assist With Bale Data In The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

There are several ways gins can be involved in the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol. You likely have been made aware that gins, as a show of support, can sign up to be members of the Trust

Protocol so you can be counted as a supporter of the initiative and receive e-mails and information.

However, some gins are more involved in the marketing process. Gins that assist producers in marketing their cotton may take title and, therefore, are the aggregator for the producers’ bales. In this instance, the gin would be designated as the marketer to upload the Permanent Bale Identification data into the Trust Protocol platform. (The PBI system enables a unique number and standard barcode to accompany a bale of cotton from the gin to the textile mill).

Additionally, the gin would assist in the desktop reviews with the growers who are Trust Protocol members. Please see

When Gins Don’t Have To Take Title

In some situations, grower protocol members may want to designate the gin as their marketer to upload the PBI data to the Trust Protocol platform. In this case, the gin does not need to take title as described above and can upload the data as prescribed by the producer.

The gin is merely designating the gin as a marketer as a service to the producers. The gin also would have to agree to conduct desktop reviews.

Trust Protocol members will be eligible to receive a redistribution of income that is to be paid no earlier than fall 2022. For the services as outlined above, gins may take a share of the redistribution of income. This amount is contingent upon the net revenue that the brands and retailers generate by the uptake of consumption units.

Complete information on the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol can be found at

The Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association provided this information.

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