Stay On Top Of Seed House Safety And Maintenance

Elevated seed houses are valuable for short-term seed storage, wet seed storage and gins with limited yard space. Design improvements allow overhead seed houses to be an efficient method for loading trucks from flat-storage houses and gins.

When fully loaded, a double-hopper seed house can weigh 200,000 pounds or more. Structural integrity is critical.

Volatile weather can put older seed houses at risk, especially those not properly maintained. Through the years, moisture and chemicals from seed along with humidity cause the inevitable — rust and corrosion. Since the damage primarily occurs inside the seed house, it is out of sight and mind. If a structural failure occurs, personnel are at risk of injury.

All cotton gin managers should review their overhead seed house safety and maintenance procedures before the start of the 2022 cotton ginning season.

Observe Safety Checklist

Never go beneath a seed hopper that contains seed.

Provide proper fall protection for all ladders and catwalks.

Do not ever enter the seed trailer or climb on the side walls of the trailer while beneath a hopper that contains seed.


These are free from your local ginning association or from

Contact your ginning association or loss control representative to get a copy of the “Cottonseed System Safety Policy” for employees, visitors and outside contractors, such as seed haulers. This is also available at

Be sure to use all other known gin safety procedures daily.

Maintenance And Repair Tips

All proper safety precautions including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) should be taken by all personnel who perform maintenance and repairs.

Clean out all seed.

Clean hopper panels to remove seed oil.

Smooth the inside surfaces of the hopper panels again.

Carefully examine the entire seed house for stress fractures and loose hardware, especially if industrial vibrators have been used.

Remove rust and corrosion.

Benefits Of The Catwalk

Best industry practices include using a trailer-viewing catwalk mounted on the outside of the vertical columns, about 9.5 feet above the driveway. This structure provides a good vantage point to see into the tops of the trailers to determine when to open and close the hopper doors.

Jim Granberry, president of Cliff Granberry Corp., contributed this article. Email or call 972-381-8899.


TCGA Scholarship Has Been Established
To Honor Tony D. Williams

At the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association’s member reception, Barry Street announced a scholarship had been established honoring TCGA’s Tony Williams, who officially retired at the end of April after 33 years of service. Williams has served as the organization’s executive vice president for nearly all his tenure with TCGA.

The official name of the newly established scholarship will be the Tony D. Williams Endowed Scholarship for Cotton. Williams will be engaged moving forward on the requirements for scholarship and the completion of the scholarship framework.

The association thought this would be a great way to honor Williams for his service. If you would like to contribute to the scholarship online, please visit

To contribute by mail, checks should be made payable to Texas Tech Foundation. Just note “Tony D. Williams Endowed Scholarship for Cotton” on the check. Send your gift to: Texas Tech Foundation, Box 42123, Lubbock, TX  79409.

If you have any questions regarding the scholarship, please contact Aaron Nelsen at the TCGA office (512-476-8388). Thank you for your consideration. 


CCGGA’s Rodriquez Completes Prestigious Ag Leadership Program

A journey that lasted for more than 27 months began Oct. 10, 2019, and came to a conclusion Feb. 5, 2022, for Priscilla Rodriquez, California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association director of regulatory affairs.

The journey included meetings that covered more than 125 days, not including travel and study time. It included trips to Atlanta, Georgia, and Washington, DC, as well as Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Rodriquez was one of 24 members of the historic Class 50 of the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation program who completed their program where it began at California State University-Fresno in February. Disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but not deterred, Class 50 weathered the storm to complete their business.

Rodriquez had the distinct honor of addressing the commencement for Class 50 by giving the opening speech.

She began by stating, “We started this program as strangers, quickly became friends and ultimately family. The bonds and friendships created through the program will continue on for years to come. We may all have different stories, but one thing is true for all of us. This program made a lasting impact through the books we read, people we met and the unforgettable experiences we lived.”

Rodriquez ended her remarks by encouraging her classmates.

“As we move forward in our lives, I challenge us to continue to be open minded, inquisitive, empathetic, passionate, resilient and grateful. Leave your impact on your families, communities, ag industry and the world.”

Truly words to live by, not just for her colleagues, but for all of us.

CCGGA President and CEO Roger Isom remarked after the event, “Priscilla was made for the CALF program, and the CALF program was made for her. The association is incredibly proud of her for this accomplishment, and her speech is indicative of her growth and just the type of leader she has started to become. The association and the agricultural industry are lucky to have her.”

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