ow is the time to begin sending in your nomination for the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Ginner of the Year. Please consider taking the time to write a nomination letter. This is the highest honor a gin manager can receive by peers in the industry. Guidelines for the selection of Ginner of the Year include:
1. Service to customers by:
a. Quality ginning.
b. Ethical business standards.
c. Other constructive activities
2. Service to all branches of the cotton industry through support and leadership of constructive activities and programs.
3. Other contributions to the people of the community, county and state such as:
a. Civic leadership.
b. Philanthropic work.
If you know of someone who deserves this prestigious honor, send us a letter describing his or her attributes. Supporting letters from other industry individuals and organizations are encouraged.
Send nomination letters to the TCGA office by Dec. 31. Mail the information to the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association, Ginner of the Year, 211 West Bagdad Avenue, Round Rock, TX 78664-5803.
The Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association provided this information.
NCGA Beltwide Cotton Conferences Ginning Meeting Schedule
Harrison Ashley, National Cotton Ginners Association executive vice president, has announced the dates and times (central time) for the ginner meetings during the Beltwide Cotton Conferences in New Orleans, Louisiana. They are as follows:
→ Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023: 1:30 – 3:15 p.m., NCGA Safety and Labor Committee Studios 8-9
→ Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023: 3:30 – 5 p.m., NCGA Technology – Air Quality Subcommittee Studios 8-9
→ Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023: 8 – 11 a.m., NCGA Technology Committee Galerie 1
→ Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023: 1:30 – 5 p.m., Ginning Conference Studios 2-3
→ Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023: 8 a.m. to noon, Joint Ginning/Engineering Systems Conference Studios 2-3
Please make plans to attend.
More Details Released About The Cotton Ginning Conference
The Cotton Ginning Conference will take place Jan. 11-12, 2023, during the Beltwide Cotton Conferences. The meetings begin at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday and conclude at noon Thursday at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana.
This technical conference provides a forum for researchers and industry representatives to exchange information on new technology to improve gin operation efficiency and the preservation of fiber quality. Industry issues are addressed by researchers and industry experts covering areas such as innovative management strategies, energy conservation and contamination. They also will discuss environmental regulations compliance, labor law compliance and safety.
A joint session with the Cotton Engineering Systems Conference will include the most recent cotton ginning and harvesting research results. The primary focus is on those related to cotton ginning and harvesting, environmental quality measurements and fiber quality preservation.
Here are a few of the topics and speakers:
→ 2022 U.S. Cotton Quality Update. Robert L Seals, USDA-AMS, Cotton and Tobacco Program.
→ Cotton Gin Insurance Is in Turmoil; Where Do We Go from Here? Kyle Smith, Triangle Insurance Co.
→ Cotton Seed Temperature Monitoring. Michael Prachar, Tri-States Grain Conditioning.
→ New Additions to the Cherokee Product Line. Michael J. Greene, Cherokee Fabrication Co. Inc.
→ Kelley Electric Gin Logistics Modern Bale Tracking and Data Acquisition. Charles H Knabb and Lucas N Heer, Kelley Electric.
→ Product Updates from Lummus Ag Technology – 2023. Ross D. Rutherford, Lummus Ag Technology, Lubbock, Texas, and Pravin J. Chaubey, Lummus Ag Technology, Savannah, Georgia.
→ Inline Real-Time Moisture Sensing System for Gin Cotton. Filip To, Lucas Gay, Joe W. Thomas and Sean P. Donohoe.
Those planning to attend the 2023 BWCC are encouraged to register by clicking on the registration tab at the BWCC home page, www.cotton.org/beltwide/. The home page also includes links to more information about the forum, including housing reservations.