Monday, February 10, 2025

Industry News for March 2022

U. S. Cotton Trust Protocol Enrollment Deadline Nears 

Enrollment for the 2021 crop in the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol is open until March 31. Producers should enroll their 2021 crop information by that deadline to be eligible for any revenue sharing that may be available in 2022.

As supply chain membership grows, please encourage producers you know to join this sustainability initiative now to help ensure there is enough cotton in the system to meet demand.

A video, which can be found at, provides interested producers step-by-step directions for complete enrollment. For additional assistance, please contact the Trust Protocol office at 901-274-9030.

More details on the Trust Protocol are at, and questions can be directed to the Grower Helpdesk at Other program updates can be followed on Facebook at and on Instagram at

USDA Offers Cover Crop Insurance Premium Benefit

usda logo

Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefit from USDA if they planted cover crops in the 2022 crop year. To receive this year’s Pandemic Cover Crop Program benefit, producers must report cover crop acreage by March 15.

The PCCP provides premium support to producers who insured their crop with most insurance policies and planted a qualifying cover crop during the 2022 crop year. The premium support is $5 per acre, but no more than the full premium amount owed.

Go to for more details about the Pandemic Cover Crop Program.

University of Missouri Names New Cotton Specialist

Bradley Wilson

Bradley Wilson joined the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources as an assistant research professor at the Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center Jan. 2. In this role, he will focus on developing, funding and conducting field experiments that improve cotton production practices in southeast Missouri.

Wilson’s research and Extension program will focus on agronomics for Missouri cotton producers. The goal for his program is to provide timely, research-based information for cotton producers that can be used as a decision-making tool in their operation.

“I am excited to be with the University of Missouri and thankful for this opportunity,” Wilson says. “The cotton program in 2022 will focus on establishing on-farm variety testing trials and evaluating management strategies that can potentially contribute to increases in profit margins for cotton producers.”

Wilson earned his PhD in crop science from Oklahoma State University. As a PhD student, Wilson led field data collection and analysis of a number of collaborative projects with Texas A&M AgriLife Research. He evaluated cover crop species and termination timing for dryland cotton production, drip irrigation management in the panhandle and southwestern regions of Oklahoma and statewide on-farm variety trials.

Ted Schneider To Lead NCC

Ted Schneider

Ted Schneider, a Lake Providence, Louisiana, producer, was elected National Cotton Council chairman for 2022 during the organization’s annual meeting in Houston, Texas.

Shawn Holladay, a Lubbock producer, was elected to the position of vice chairman for 2022.

Before serving as the NCC’s vice chairman in 2020 and 2021, Schneider was a NCC director. He has served on and led multiple NCC committees. He previously chaired the NCC’s Committee for the Advancement of Cotton and currently chairs its Sustainability Task Force and Budget Committee.

In 2018 and 2019, Schneider served as president of the NCC’s export promotions arm, Cotton Council International. He has been an active leader in the NCC’s American Cotton Producers, is a past board member of Cotton Incorporated and is board chairman of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol. He also is a past president of the Louisiana Cotton and Grain Association.

Since 1984, Schneider has been the owner/operator of a Lake Providence-based 3,600-acre diversified farming operation in northeast Louisiana and southeast Arkansas. Dedicated to sustainable, responsible agricultural production, his primary crops are cotton, corn, soybeans, rice, wheat and grain sorghum. Schneider earned a B.S. in Business Administration from Louisiana State University. He and his wife, Renee, have three children.

national cotton council

Elected as a NCC vice president was Sammy Wright, a Tifton, Ga., cottonseed processor.

Re-elected as NCC vice presidents were: Jordan Lea, a Greenville, S.C., merchant; Robin Perkins, a Sanford, N.C., textile manufacturer; Kirk Gilkey, a Corcoran, Calif., ginner; Jay Cowart, an Altus, Okla., warehouser; and Kevin Brinkley, marketing cooperative executive. Elected as secretary-treasurer is Mark McKean, a producer from Riverdale, California.

Re-elected as NCC staff officers were: Gary Adams, president and chief executive officer; Marjory Walker, vice president, Operations; Jody Campiche, vice president, Economics and Policy Analysis; Reece Langley, vice president, Washington Operations; John Gibson, vice president, Member Services; Don Parker, vice president, Technical Services; Tas Smith, vice president, Producer Affairs; and Harrison Ashley, vice president, Ginner Services.

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