PhytoGen Launches Full Portfolio Of W3FE Varieties for 2018

phytogen cottonseedPhytoGen has added five new varieties with WideStrike 3 Insect Protection and the Enlist cotton trait to its 2018 line-up.

These new varieties complement existing PhytoGen brand varieties with WideStrike 3 Insect Protection and the Enlist cotton trait (W3FE), offering a full portfolio for the 2018 growing season.

“When you combine these trait technologies with our PhytoGen Breeding Traits and high-yielding genetics, PhytoGen W3FE varieties offer growers cottonseed that is unrivaled in U.S. cotton,” Hank King, U.S. leader for PhytoGen, said in a new release.

PhytoGen is the only cottonseed company to offer varieties with the Enlist cotton trait, giving producers tolerance to three herbicide modes of action — 2,4-D choline, glyphosate and glufosinate — to help eliminate tough-to-control and resistant weeds. All PhytoGen brand varieties with the Enlist cotton trait also include WideStrike 3 for improved bollworm control.

Five New W3FE varieties

All PhytoGen W3FE varieties have excellent seedling vigor ratings and include PhytoGen Breeding Traits for bacterial blight resistance. Many new W3FE varieties are additionally tolerant to Verticillium wilt and resistant to root-knot nematodes for regions susceptible to these yield-robbing pests.

⇒  PHY 230 W3FE and PHY 250 W3FE — These two new, early maturing PhytoGen varieties offer excellent, consistent yield and fiber quality. Selected for the Northern High Plains, these smooth leaf, shorter stature varieties are best suited to areas with moderate to good water and medium to heavy soils. Both are storm-tolerant and carry the PhytoGen Breeding Trait for excellent Verticillium wilt tolerance.

The three new 400-series PhytoGen brand varieties are highly competitive to all the best yielding cottonseed currently on the market, including PhytoGen brand PHY 444 WRF. These new varieties feature the W3FE trait platform and have the PhytoGen Breeding Trait for bacterial blight resistance.

⇒  PHY 430 W3FE — This midmaturing, medium stature variety is very broadly adapted with exceptional yields and excellent fiber quality to fit and perform in most areas across the Cotton Belt.

⇒  PHY 440 W3FE — Best adapted for mid- to mid-full maturing markets, this variety has excellent yield with exceptional fiber quality. It is smooth leaf and features PhytoGen Breeding Traits for industry-leading, root-knot nematode resistance.

⇒  PHY 480 W3FE — Another mid-maturing variety with excellent yield and premium fiber quality with a semi-smooth leaf and PhytoGen Breeding Traits for root-knot nematode resistance.

New PhytoGen Pima offering for 2018:

⇒  PHY 888 RF — A full-season and full-statured variety, this Pima offers Genuity Roundup Ready Flex with outstanding yield and fiber quality. It also has the PhytoGen Breeding Trait for improved tolerance to Fusarium Race 4.

For more information on PhytoGen, contact your local territory manager or PhytoGen cotton development specialist, or visit

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