The University of Tennessee has scheduled a weed tour, June 19, from 9-11:30 a.m., at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center in Jackson. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. A light breakfast will be served.
Larry Steckel, UT Extension weed specialist, will lead the tour, along with Clay Perkins, doctoral candidate with the UT Department of Plant Sciences and Travis Legleiter, Extension Assistant Professor with the University of Kentucky.
“Most of the research featured in the 2019 Weed Tour involves management of glyphosate-resistant horseweed and Palmer amaranth,” Steckel says. “Management of these weeds in Liberty, Balance Bean, glyphosate, Xtend and Enlist weed control systems along with some of the new herbicide traits on the horizon in cotton and soybeans will be highlighted.”
He says the tour will also cover research-based strategies to manage the increasing problem with glyphosate-resistant grass species, as well as glyphosate/PPO-resistant Palmer amaranth. Cultural weed control practices and many of the newer premixes in corn and soybean will be demonstrated.
At the conclusion, tour leaders will be available for consultation as well as discuss issues and product performance.
The West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center is located at 605 Airways Boulevard, Jackson, Tennessee. Upon arriving, follow signs to the weed management research plots. For directions, or more information, call 731-425-4717.