What are you hoping for in the 2014 cotton crop season?

Chuck Coley
Producer, Vienna, Ga.

I am hoping for a lot of things, and I certainly hope that by the time this magazine is published in January that we’ll have a Farm Bill. We need for that to happen, along with a settlement of the WTO/Brazil case. And I am also hoping for some stability in the markets – especially as it pertains to China and India. It distresses me that these two countries’ actions can have such a significant impact on what happens to U.S. cotton in terms of cotton prices.

Kelli Merritt
Producer/Broker, Lamesa, Texas

I am an eternal optimist, and I believe that good businessmen can always find profitable marketing opportunities, whether they are farmers, merchants, mills or retailers. 2014 will have its own unique set of opportunities. Short supplies have created demand to keep market prices at decent levels this year. Therefore, I believe we have good, solid support levels in the 72 to 75 cent range.

Michael Quinn
Carolinas Cotton Growers, Garner, N.C.

I think it would be very good for U.S. cotton if China showed more transparency on what it plans to do with its cotton. That would be good and healthy for all parties. I am hoping that China doesn’t do anything that is a shock to the market – one way or the other. If that country can manage its excessive strategic reserves and feed them into world demand gradually, it would help everybody. I would also like to see the United States remain competitive in the global market. From a producer standpoint, it would be nice to see cotton prices compete against the grains so that we can stabilize our acreage here in this country.

Kevin Brinkley
The Seam, Memphis, Tenn.

We believe 2014 will see the market continue to express its preference for U.S. cotton. Years of investments made by the U.S. industry in technology and quality have made us the preferred supplier for the world. Textile mills around the globe have confidence in the product we produce. Simply put – they receive high-quality cotton they ordered precisely when they need it the most. The entire industry should be proud of this progress.

Lee Tiller
Ginner, Odem, Texas

In south Texas, all we want is a chance to make a cotton crop. After three years of a drought and some pretty tough situations, we want to have moisture in the ground. We just want to be able to plant and harvest a crop. There are other issues out there, but this is what is at the top of the list for producers and ginners in this region. As for the Farm Bill, I am hoping this happens sooner rather than later. By the time readers see this magazine, I am hoping this bill has become law. Everybody in the country wants this to happen. We need a blueprint for the future, and we need it now.

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