Preliminary UT 2020 cotton CST data

• By Tyson Raper •

Preliminary data from the 2020 Tennessee cotton county standard trial data is now available.  We are releasing an average table for the XtendFlex trials and the Enlist trials today.  We only tested the XtendFlex and Enlist varieties together in a handful of locations.

I will release the average tables from those locations later, along with results from each individual location.  Also, stay tuned for the OVT small-plot trial data average table that includes 44 commercial and pre-commercial varieties. The last of the OVT samples should gin during the first of next week.

CP= Croplan(Armor); DG= DynaGro; DP= DeltaPine; NG= NexGen; ST= Stoneville

ut cotton trials
Fig. 1. Preliminary yield, turnout and fiber quality data from the 2020 Tennessee XtendFlex Cotton On-farm Variety Trials. Average yield and turnout was calculated from nine locations. Average fiber quality data was calculated from five locations.
ut cotton trial results
Fig. 2. Preliminary yield, turnout and fiber quality data from the 2020 Tennessee Enlist Cotton On-farm Variety Trials. Average yield and turnout was calculated from five locations. Average fiber quality data was calculated from three locations.

Dr. Tyson Raper is University of Tennessee Extension small grains and cotton specialist. He may be reached at

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