• By Stacey Gorman,
The Cotton Board Director of Communications •
The Cotton Board Producer Tour Program has given thousands of cotton producers the opportunity to see their Cotton Research and Promotion Program checkoff dollars at work inside Cotton Incorporated’s World Headquarters and Research Facility in Cary, North Carolina.
This unique program allows attendees to spend a day listening to key Cotton Incorporated staff explain research and developments in their specialized area of work, as well as visiting the innovative laboratories located inside the research facility. Producers are able to discuss major research and marketing programs that are essential to improve the future demand and profitability for U.S. cotton.
Here are the areas tour participants will visit in the Cotton Incorporated World Headquarters:
• Fiber Processing Laboratory: A full-scale, state-of-the-art yarn-processing pilot facility.
• Dyeing and Finishing Laboratory: A laboratory that uses the latest equipment to conduct innovative research in areas such as color washdown, process optimization and product evaluation.
• Finishing Research/Analytical Laboratory: A facility that explores new finishes and innovative methods for cotton textile applications.
• Product Evaluation Laboratories: A unique research facility that conducts ongoing research and measurement studies of cotton.
• Product Development Laboratory: A well-equipped research facility capable of producing a wide range of ready-to-wear cotton garments. This area helps create new cotton fabric ideas and constructions for apparel and home products that are showcased to brands and retailers worldwide.
Cotton Board Regional Communication Managers
Last year, The Cotton Board’s regional communication managers brought more than 100 cotton producers and ginners to this tour program. Thanks to generous sponsorships from industry partners Bayer, John Deere and Syngenta, producers can attend this tour with no out-of-pocket expenses.
The Cotton Board is hosting three tours this year — Feb. 17-19, March 24-26 and a Women’s Tour June 23-25. Space is limited, and participation is granted on a first-to-register basis. Cotton producers interested in attending should contact their Cotton Board RCM.
• Southeast RCM (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina: Monty Bain — mbain@cottonboard.org
• Mid-South RCM (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee): Brent Murphree —
• Southern Plains RCM (Kansas, Oklahoma and North Texas): Shelley Heinrich — sheinrich@cottonboard.org
• Southwest RCM (Arizona, California, New Mexico and East, Central and South Texas): Christi Chadwell — cchadwell@cottonboard.org
Positive Reactions
What do past participants have to say about The Cotton Board Producer Tour Program?
“Just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I enjoyed being a part of the tour. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to participate. Thank you so much for such an informative tour and being a part of an amazing group that truly loves the cotton industry.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the tour. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the cotton industry as well as meet others who are passionate about the promotion of cotton and agriculture.”
“Everything was great. The location, meal selection, hotel, Cotton Incorporated, Cotton Board staff and the sponsors were the BEST.”
The Cotton Research and Promotion Program is funded by cotton producers and importers. We invite you to come see what is being done on your behalf with your investment.
To learn more, please email Gorman at sgorman@cottonboard.org.