Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Abundance Of Information: BWCC in NOLA

Abundance Of Information
Available To Attendees
At 2014 BWCC In New Orleans

Those involved in helping producers make key cotton production/marketing-related decisions – including consultants, researchers, Extension specialists/agents and industry sales/support personnel – will find an abundance of information at the 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, set for Jan. 6-8 at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel.

The National Cotton Council-coordinated forum will begin at noon on Jan. 6 with a half-day Cotton Consultants Conference session that will focus on new developments from industry, including discussions of new varieties, chemistries and emerging technologies.

Beginning on Jan. 7, the 11 cotton technical conferences will meet concurrently. Also on that day, selected technical conferences will meet with the consultants conference at specific times to discuss key issues in those disciplines, including current research. The technical conferences will conclude their meetings at noon on Jan. 8.

“We believe that having some of the technical conferences meet with the Cotton Consultants Conference will foster a lively exchange of ideas and shared experiences among researchers and others who assist producers with making key decisions,” says Bill Robertson, the NCC’s manager, Agronomy, Soils and Physiology, who coordinates the conferences.

He says among some of the key timely topics being considered for those joint sessions are: insect interactions with the 2,4-D and dicamba weed control technologies; target leaf spot, which has emerged as a problem in the Southeast and Mid-South; nematode control; on-farm variety testing; irrigation and plant growth regulator interaction; irrigation instrumentation/data collection for help in scheduling; alternative nitrogen products; and how cotton production is being affected by today’s various crop rotation scenarios.

The National Cotton Ginners Association will continue to conduct meetings in conjunction with the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, including participation in the technical conferences for cotton ginning and engineering systems.

For additional information, go to www.cotton.org/beltwide.

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