Industry News

NCC Launches Program
To Help Identify Industry’s
Emerging Leaders

The National Cotton Council has launched the Emerging Leaders Program, an effort aimed at ensuring the U.S. cotton industry benefits from a continuity of sound leadership.

The project, sponsored by a grant to The Cotton Foundation from Mon-santo, not only will provide participants with an in-depth look at the U.S. cotton industry infrastructure and the business and political arenas in which it operates but give them intense professional development training.

Among Emerging Leaders Program objectives will be to help participants gain a better understanding of: 1) the NCC’s role, including its programs, policy development and implementation process; 2) Cotton Council International’s role in developing and maintaining export markets for U.S. cotton, manufactured cotton products and cottonseed products; 3) the broad spectrum of issues that affect U.S. cotton’s economic well-being; and 4) the U.S. political process.

This leadership initiative also will focus on helping participants improve their communications skills – including presentation and business etiquette, instruction for engaging with the news media and utilizing social media tools and tactics. Each class will consist of eight to 10 industry members, and class members will participate in three sessions during the year.

EPA Approves Use Of
Topguard Fungicide In Texas

For a second year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted Texas cotton producers emergency approval to use Topguard fungicide to control cotton root rot. This emergency exemption approval will be in effect from Feb. 1, 2013 until June 30, 2013.

EPA granted the first Section 18 for this use of Topguard on cotton in early 2012. The fungicide, made by Chemi-nova, was used widely throughout Texas under the 2012 Section 18 in fields where cotton production has been limited by cotton root rot. Left uncontrolled, cotton root rot is estimated to cause direct yield losses of as much as $30 million per year.

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