For the first time, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ranked a PhytoGen brand variety with the Enlist cotton trait (W3FE) among the 10 most planted in 2018.
Two more W3FE varieties rounded out the top 20. Building on that momentum for 2019, PhytoGen is offering growers a full portfolio of these Enlist varieties.
“For every pocket of the Cotton Belt, we’ll have W3FE varieties that fit — all with bacterial blight resistance,” says Joel Faircloth, PhytoGen U.S. cotton portfolio manager.
With the 2019 offerings, every one of the PhytoGen brand varieties has PhytoGen Breeding Traits for built-in protection against diseases and pests.
New 200 Series
The popular Northern High Plains variety — PhytoGen brand PHY 250 W3FE returns — accompanied by a new 200 series W3FE. They are early maturing and offer consistent yield and fiber quality. These smooth-leaf, shorter stature varieties are best suited to areas with moderate to good water and medium to heavy soils. Both are storm-tolerant and carry the PhytoGen Breeding Trait for excellent Verticillium wilt tolerance.
Addition To 300 Series
PhytoGen expands the widely planted 300 series varieties launched last year — PhytoGen brand PHY 300 W3FE, PHY 330 W3FE and PHY 340 W3FE. For 2019, the company introduces PhytoGen brand PHY 320 W3FE and PHY 350 W3FE.
“Our 300 series has broad adaptation across the Cotton Belt, and all offer bacterial blight resistance and high yield potential,” Faircloth says. “They’ve been great fits where the popular PHY 333 WRF and PHY 312 WRF have worked in the past.”
PhytoGen brand variety PHY 350 W3FE is broadly adapted and in high demand. While PHY 320 W3FE is also broadly adapted, it’s a standout in the Mid-South. Both products offer root-knot-nematode resistance.
More 400s For 2019
PhytoGen will add three new 400 series varieties in 2019 — PhytoGen brand PHY 430 W3FE, PHY 440 W3FE and PHY 480 W3FE. These are mid-maturing, and all provide bacterial blight resistance while PHY 440 W3FE and PHY 480 W3FE also feature root-knot-nematode resistance.
“PHY 430 W3FE has the potential for exceptional yield. It’s broadly adapted, but the primary fit is in the Delta and the Southeast. It will do very well, particularly on strong ground,” Faircloth says.
While PHY 440 W3FE has the potential for exceptional fiber quality like PHY 444 WRF, farmers can maximize this potential in fuller-season environments, such as South Texas and Georgia.
Five PhytoGen brand varieties, including PHY 440 W3FE, were among the top eight cottonseed varieties most resistant to root-knot nematode in a recent Texas A&M University RKN variety trial. In the trial, PhytoGen brand PHY 480 W3FE ranked as the No. 1 RKN-resistant variety in the Upland market. Faircloth says PHY 480 W3FE is broadly adapted and has a high level of root-knot-nematode resistance. It travels well, the canopy closes quickly and it can handle periods of stress.
PhytoGen will again offer high-performing PHY 450 W3FE and PHY 490 W3FE. They are primarily adapted to the Southwest.
A new 500 series W3FE variety rounds out the W3FE portfolio to help growers thrive in 2019.
Pima And Acala Varieties
With 75 percent of the western U.S. cotton acres planted to PhytoGen, the company will again offer the popular Acala variety PhytoGen brand PHY 764 WRF. In addition, growers can choose from Pima varieties PhytoGen brand PHY 841 RF, PHY 881 RF and PHY 888 RF. All PhytoGen Pima varieties have the PhytoGen Breeding Trait for Fusarium (FOV) Race 4 tolerance.
Contact your PhytoGen territory manager or cotton development specialist or visit
PhytoGen contributed information for this article.