BWCC – Busy Agenda

12-13CFcvrRegardless of where a consultant might scout his acreage, he will find some timely information at the 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conferences (BWCC) in New Orleans, Jan. 6-8.

One of the main attractions will be the Consultants Conference scheduled on the first two days at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel. Conference coordinator Bill Robertson says the program was put together to address major issues confronting producers and consultants.

“We’ll start off the first day with the New Developments From Industry program,” says Robertson. “This is where consultants can find out about new cotton varieties and products.”

Prior to the start of the conference on Monday, attendees will be served lunch before the program begins at 1 p.m. Robertson says this should make it more convenient for consultants or producers who travel to New Orleans on the morning of Jan. 6.

Timely Topics

Weed and insect resistance topics also will be a major part of the conversation at the Consultants Conference when it reconvenes on Tuesday morning, Jan. 7. Robertson believes that presentations such as herbicide residual programs will remain an important part of the discussion.

“We have come full circle in how we grow cotton today,” says Robertson. “We are having to go back to residuals to deal with the resistance. A lot of farmers wonder if this is having an effect on crop development. These are the issues that we will address.”

While many consultants deal with other crops besides cotton, Robertson is hopeful that they will see the benefit in attending the Beltwide and having access to such a wide array of information. For more details on the BWCC, go to

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