Texan Enjoys Cotton School

photo-cotton-schoolBy Tommy Horton

Cotton SchoolIt might have seemed unlikely that a Texas warehouseman could benefit from attending the Inter-national Cotton Institute this summer at the University of Memphis, but that is exactly what happened for Atticus Miller.

The young president of Delta Logistics in Greenville, Texas, had heard that the experience would “broaden my knowledge of the cotton industry.” And, there was also the possibility of increasing his customer contacts in the global cotton community.

It appears that Miller succeeded on all fronts. He learned more about U.S. cotton from “field to fabric,” and he accumulated a lot of business cards from international classmates representing numerous countries.

The school, which is sponsored by the American Cotton Shippers Association, began in 1995 and has rapidly gained an international reputation for offering a first-rate orientation for cotton production and marketing.

This year’s class had 36 students representing 13 countries.

“The experience definitely exceeded my expectations,” says Miller. “Plus, the field trips to farms, Staplcotn, Cotton Incorporated, USDA’s classing office, merchants’ offices and the National Cotton Council were very informative to the class.”

Intensive Curriculum

Miller says it’s hard to believe so much can be learned in eight weeks. And he can’t envision another venue where a Texas warehouseman could be exposed to so much important information while interacting with foreign students.

Miller’s Texas company is involved in trucking and transportation and a wide range of logistics for products besides cotton.

“I actually received some questions from students in the class about the electronic warehouse receipt program,” he says. “I enjoyed that.”

Miller believes that U.S. cotton continues to set itself apart from the rest of the world because of its transparency and consistency standards.

Even though the global cotton market is competitive, U.S. cotton offers data that allows an overseas manufacturer to track a bale of U.S. cotton throughout the supply chain.

Bill Griffin, coordinator of the International Cotton Institute, says all students benefit from their participation in the eight-week school.

“I am sure that Atticus has broadened his knowledge of cotton and increased his list of contacts in ways that he wouldn’t have thought possible,” he says.

Contact Tommy Horton at (901) 767-4020 or thorton@onegrower.com.

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