CANCELED: TCGA Annual Meeting & Trade Show – A New Decade Dawns For Texas Cotton

Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Annual Meeting And Trade Show Set For April 2-3 In Lubbock

TCGA Executive Vice President

Last year’s Texas cotton crop had great potential. However, after adverse weather conditions, it fell off quite a bit in some areas. Despite these setbacks, projected cotton acres in Texas only dropped slightly for 2020. Our farmers want to grow cotton and are anticipating a positive start.

The plastic contamination issue has been a big challenge, but we are working on it. The Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association continues to educate both growers and ginners about the importance of making sure to do everything they can to keep plastic from getting into the gin and going through the ginning process.

Positive research is also ongoing. We may see commercial equipment testing this year in regard to systems in stream at the cotton gin that could help identify and remove plastic.

Finding labor continues to be an issue for gins in some areas, especially in West Texas or anywhere that has to compete with active oil fields. TCGA is assisting our ginners in finding people who can help them locate a pool of workers.
On the cotton production side, we are pleased to be keeping the boll weevil at bay in Texas despite a few hot spots reported north of the Rio Grande Valley.

Hi-Plains Bag & Bagging Co. was named Division I Runner-Up during the Exhibitor Awards at the 2019 TCGA Annual Meeting and Trade Show.

Positive Look To The Future
The theme for this year’s TCGA Annual Meeting and Trade Show is “A New Decade Dawns for Texas Cotton.”
Since the turn of the century, Texas farmers and ginners have grown and processed some tremendous cotton crops, including a record 9.3 million bales in 2017. We’ve also grown our ginning capacity with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. As a new decade dawns, we strive to keep Texas in the cotton business for many years to come.
One way to make this happen is to invite everyone to attend the TCGA Trade Show. It is one of the country’s largest gatherings of cotton gin equipment manufacturers and other businesses that provide equipment, parts or services to the ginning industry.

Visitors from all over the Cotton Belt and around the world come to learn about the latest developments in cotton ginning and purchase equipment or services for their facilities.

Full-time gin employees can gain additional knowledge — especially regarding safety — and see the latest industry developments by attending the Southwest Ginners School, March 30 – April 1.

Many gin managers allow their employees to go to the school and then attend the show at the end of the week.

Overview Of Events
Before the show kicks off, TCGA will host its annual golf tournament at Meadowbrook Golf Course, Wednesday, April 1. The show doors officially open at 9 a.m., Thursday, April 2, at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center where more than 130 exhibitors will be on hand to talk about their products or services. The day wraps up with the “Taste of Lubbock Party” open to all show attendees.

On Friday, show hours are from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. During this time, Plains Cotton Growers Inc. also will hold its annual meeting. TCGA’s Awards Dinner and Vegas Night Celebration are held at the Overton Hotel Friday evening. Tickets for the dinner may be purchased at the show registration booth. Everyone is invited to the Vegas Night Celebration, and no ticket is required. For more information, visit

Contact Tony Williams at or 512-476-8388.

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