Cotton, Polyester Have Learned To Work Together




Bharat DesaiCotton’s Rich History


The inquisitive and evolving man has constantly attempted to deliver himself a better product in which to dress. One of the oldest and most intricate options has been cotton. Cotton has been part of every civilization’s history. Through the years, cotton has evolved into a fiber that is superior to any other natural fiber for clothing. The textile industry helped identify this raw material as one of the key components in the Industrial Revolution. Not surprisingly, with the advent of mechanized textile manufacturing, demand for cotton started increasing. As cotton continued its historic journey into the twentieth century, it came face-to-face with one of its staunchest competitors – manmade polyester, which was known for its brighter, wrinkle-free appearance and easy care.


With the passage of time, cotton showed remarkable versatility with its range and scope. Technology and high-speed machinery accelerated spinners’ desire for higher-quality raw fiber material. Brands such as FiberMax from the United States added to the range with longer, stronger and consistent fiber – resulting in high-quality yarn. Natural resource limitations and weather uncertainties are considered by many as growth impediments to cotton. Still, cotton continues to be widely accepted because of its comfort and other natural characteristics.


An Effective Combination


The right blend of quality cotton and polyester renders diversified properties to fabrics that can be used in many applications, which no one single fiber could meet. Also, economies can be achieved in products by shifting blends in favorable ratios.


With the evolving fashion landscape and fashion innovations, the magic of blends comes into play. It creates new synergies that take the textile industry farther, providing more versatile clothing and applications. Analyzing data, it is obvious that cotton and polyester during the past decade have grown in a healthy synergy. Their existence is not about a battle over market share. Instead, each plays an important complementary role. Cotton and polyester are working together for more ecologically sustainable products and better clothing options. Their successful efforts will benefit all segments of the global market.


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