Georgia Cotton Commission Board Approves Over $600,000 in Research

At its July board meeting, the Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) Board of Directors approved its Fiscal Year 2016 budget which includes over $600,000 to fund the GCC research program. A total of $605,588, or about 24% of the overall budget, is allocated to research. GCC Chairman Mike Lucas stated that “even with the lower number of cotton acres this year and the Commission’s lower expected revenue, we were able to maintain funding for research projects at a level similar to 2015.”

The FY16 budget includes funding for 20 projects. Some of these projects are a continuation of GCC yearly support for the UGA Cotton Team, on-farm variety testing, PGR management research, and irrigation research. GCC was pleased to add additional research projects this year based on feedback from growers across the state. “We’ve heard of producers wanting more fertility information, so we funded a new project from Dr. Glen Harris that will look specifically at cotton fertility in Georgia,” says Chairman Lucas. This fertility project will expand on Dr. Harris’ existing research and extension activities in Georgia cotton. GCC also funded a new project from UGA Extension Entomologist Phillip Roberts that will address thrips management in Georgia cotton. “Since the loss of Temik, thrips have become more of a concern so we feel like Dr. Phillip Roberts’ thrips management project is both timely and appropriate. It will add resources to the existing thrips work he already does,” states Chairman Lucas.

For more information about the Georgia Cotton Commission research program please visit and click on the ‘Producer’ page or call us at 479-988-4235.

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