NCSU launches hybrid grower auxin training for 2021

NCSU Extension logoAs most have heard, the recently approved federal labels for dicamba-containing products or over-the-top use to dicamba-tolerant cotton and soybeans still require annual training. Therefore, North Carolina State Extension, in cooperation with North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will continue to provide training to North Carolina famers, applicators and retailers via the Auxin Herbicides-Best Management Practices training.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the training in 2021 will look differently. See training options below. Also, see attached flyer for distribution.

Training Options:

  • Live Zoom: 2021 Auxin Herbicides-Best Management Practices

 Description: Drs. Charlie Cahoon and Wesley Everman will offer 12 Live Zoom training options. Trainings will be held weekly from mid-January through late-March. See training dates below. All Live Zoom trainings will start at 10 a.m. Attendees will use the same Zoom link and passcode for each individual Live Zoom meeting.

For Zoom Link and Passcode, please contact your County Agricultural Extension Agent

Attendee Requirements for Live Zoom training:

  1. Registration is required before attendee can join the Live Zoom training (this can be completed just before joining the Zoom session).
  2. Attendee must include name, email address, phone number, county, and NCDA&CS Certification/License number at registration.
  3. To receive credit for a virtual training, NCDA&CS requires the following of all attendees:
    1. Identity verification at the beginning of the course and after any breaks
    2. Active participation by each attendee throughout course to ensure attendee is present (polling questions will be used for Live Zoom meetings).
    3. Attendance must be taken at the end of the course.
    4. No partial credit is given for those that arrive late or leave early.

Training Dates (all Live Zoom meetings start at 10 a.m.):

  Date Time Day of week
1 Jan. 12 10 a.m. Tuesday
2 Jan. 21 10 a.m. Thursday
3 Jan. 29 10 a.m. Friday
4 Feb. 4 10 a.m. Thursday
5 Feb. 8 10 a.m. Monday
6 Feb. 18 10 a.m. Thursday
7 Feb. 24 10 a.m. Wednesday
8 March 2 10 a.m. Tuesday
9 March 11 10 a.m. Thursday
10 March 15 10 a.m. Monday
11 March 24 10 a.m. Wednesday
12 March 29 10 a.m. Monday
  • Pre-recorded video: 2021 Auxin Herbicides-Best Management Practices

Description: Drs. Charlie Cahoon and Wesley Everman will provide County Agricultural Agents with a pre-recorded video of the 2021 Auxin Herbicides-Best Management Training. Agents can incorporate this video into winter meetings (live or virtual).

If used in conjunction with a virtual meeting, see NCDA&CS requirements for active participation above. If incorporated into a face-to-face meeting, agents will capture attendance normally (hard-copy rosters or scanning pesticide license upon entry).

  • Slide Set: 2021 Auxin Herbicides-Best Management Practices

Description: Drs. Charlie Cahoon and Wesley Everman will provide County Agricultural Agents with the 2021 Auxin Herbicides-Best Management Training slide set. Like the pre-recorded video, agents can deliver the slide set at regularly scheduled winter meetings (live or virtual).

If used in conjunction with a virtual meeting, see NCDA&CS requirements for active participation above. If incorporated into a face-to-face meeting, agents will capture attendance normally (hard-copy rosters or scanning pesticide license upon entry).


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