Nominations Open For TCGA Cotton Ginner Of The Year

Now is the time to send in your nomination for the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Ginner of the Year. This is the highest honor a gin manager can receive by peers in the industry.
Guidelines for the selection of Ginner of the Year include service to customers through:

  • Quality ginning,
  • Ethical business standards and
  • Other constructive activities.

TCGA also considers:

  • Service to all branches of the cotton industry through support and leadership of constructive activities and programs.
  • Other contributions to the people of the community, county and state, such as civic leadership and philanthropic work.

If you know of someone who deserves this prestigious honor, send TCGA a letter describing his or her attributes. Supporting letters from other industry individuals and organizations are encouraged. Please send nomination letters by Dec. 31, 2016. Address the information to Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association, Ginner of the Year, 408 W. 14th St., Austin, TX 78701.

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