Thriving In Cotton Series Kicks Off In November
Are resistant weeds a problem on your farm? Is bacterial blight or nematodes keeping you from reaching top yields? To help cotton farmers make next season their best yet, PhytoGen is sponsoring a Thriving in Cotton series beginning with the November issue of Cotton Farming.
Each column will focus on a different benefit of PhytoGen brand varieties with WideStrike 3 Insect Protection and the Enlist cotton trait (W3FE) to help farmers choose varieties that best fit their production goals. Throughout the Thriving in Cotton series, farmers from across the Belt will share their experiences with various PhytoGen brand varieties and experts will offer tips. You’ll learn how PhytoGen can help you maximize yields and fiber quality to thrive in cotton against weeds, insects and other pests.
Be sure to check out the Thriving in Cotton series highlighting PhytoGen cottonseed to help you maximize the per-acre value of your 2018 crop.
Cotton Board Holds 2018 Calendar Photo Contest
The Cotton Board wants to see your best cotton photos. One winning photo will be selected and featured in The Cotton Board’s 2018 Industry Calendar.
To be eligible to win, contestants must first “like” The Cotton Board Facebook page and then email their high-resolution jpeg photo to Up to three entries per contestant will be considered. The contest ends on Oct. 6, 2017. Cotton Board staff will vote to determine the winning photo.
The Cotton Board calendar, in which the winner’s photo and photo credit will be featured, is mailed to every cotton producer and ginner in the United States. The winner also will receive 25 copies of the calendar, a cotton blanket and other cotton prizes.
Enlist One Herbicide Registered
Farmers growing Enlist crops will have an additional option for weed control with Dow AgroSciences’ Enlist One herbicide — a straight-goods 2,4-D choline product featuring Colex-D technology.
With the ability to tankmix with glufosinate, farmers can make Enlist One a cornerstone of their weed control programs that feature multiple modes of action. In addition to glufosinate, a comprehensive offering of tankmix partners will be listed on Enlist One joins Enlist Duo herbicide, a proprietary blend of 2,4-D choline and glyphosate.
“Farmers growing Enlist cotton have found the flexibility of Enlist One to be especially helpful,” says Chris Byus, Enlist herbicides product manager. “They get the benefits of 2,4-D choline and the ability to tankmix with glufosinate. Both Enlist Duo and Enlist One contain Colex-D technology to help them land and stay on target.”
Enlist One has received federal registration for use in 34 key cotton, corn and soybean states. To see what farmers who used Enlist One on a trail basis have to say, go to to read the article in its entirety.