Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Industry News: February 2025

U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol Opens 2025 Enrollment

U.S. cotton growers can now enroll in the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol and apply for the Climate Smart Cotton Program for the 2025 crop year.

The Climate Smart Cotton Program, led by the Trust Protocol, offers additional financial support with three levels of involvement. Grower Enrollment Specialists are available to provide personalized, regionally specific support, answer questions and guide you through the process for the Trust Protocol and Climate Smart Cotton Program.

Visit TrustUSCotton.org or email info@TrustUSCotton.org to connect with your region’s Grower Enrollment Specialist to learn more.

Deltapine Announces Class Of ’25 Cotton Varieties

deltapine logo

The Class of ’25 includes two Bollgard 3 ThryvOn cotton with XtendFlex Technology (B3TXF) varieties and two Bollgard 3 with XtendFlex Technology (B3XF) varieties.

“DP 2537 B3TXF could be a step change up in yield potential in B3TXF varieties, and DP 2541 B3XF, when planted in moderate/high irrigation fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, has the potential for excellent yields,” said Eric Best, Deltapine cotton product manager. “We brought another nematode-resistant B3TXF variety to market and more products with bacterial blight resistance.”

Bollgard 3 ThryvOn Cotton with XtendFlex Technology DP 2537 B3TXF (evaluated as 23R9143B3TXF) is a mid-full maturity variety that shows excellent strength of terminal and has an open canopy.

This variety demonstrated outstanding yield potential in the 2024 New Product Evaluator plots and will be the latest-maturing B3TXF product in the lineup targeted to the lower Mid-South and upper Southeast markets.

More than 60% of Mid-South NPE growers and 85% of Southeast NPE growers who evaluated this product approved its performance and rated it as likely to purchase and plant.

DP 2522NR B3TXF (evaluated as 23R9822B3TXF) is an early to mid- maturity variety offering resistance to both reniform nematodes and bacterial blight.

In 2024 NPE plots, this variety demonstrated stable yield performance potential on reniform nematode-infested fields across its targeted markets of the Coastal Bend of South Texas, the lower Mid-South and the Southeast.

DP 2525 B3XF (evaluated as 23R8027B3XF) is an early to mid maturity variety resistant to bacterial blight and moderately tolerant to Verticillium wilt for Northern High Plains of Texas.

In 2024 NPE plots, this variety demonstrated yield performance on par with DP 1822 XF and DP 1820 B3XF and the potential for improved fiber quality.

DP 2541 B3XF (evaluated as 23R8041B3XF) is a mid-full maturity variety that is resistant to bacterial blight and moderately tolerant to Verticillium wilt.

In 2024 NPE plots, it demonstrated improved yield performance in the higher-yielding environments of the Southern High Plains of Texas over DP 1646 B2XF and DP 2335 B3XF.

Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference Coming Soon

The Louisiana Agricultural Tech-nology & Management Conference sponsored by the Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association will be held Feb. 12-14, at Paragon Casino Resort in Marksville, Louisiana.

Presentations such as the Endangered Species Act Workplan and Implementation of the Strategies will be given. A legislative update from Governor Jeff Landry’s office will give attendees inside information that will help in decision making on their farms. There will also be a general session dealing with multi-crop agronomics and a general session on soybean best management practices.

Crop-specific breakout sessions on corn, cotton, rice and sugarcane will be held with industry updates scattered throughout. More than 30 of LACA’s sustaining members will be exhibiting, and the majority of these will be participating in emerging technology presentations during the conference. Technical presentations during meals (breakfasts and luncheons) will be given by our sponsoring sustaining members, and in some cases, special guests will be presenting.

Paragon restaurants, from casual to fine dining, will be open for dinner. This conference provides recertification of consultant and commercial applicator licenses. Certified Crop Advisor CEUs are also available.

The program be accessed at www.laca1.org. Contact Denise Wright, at denise@laca1.org or at 337-945-3694 for further information.

One Ton Club Enrollment Is Open For Qualifying Farmers

BASF invites cotton farmers who yielded one ton or more of cotton during the 2024 season using FiberMax cottonseed to join its exclusive FiberMax One Ton Club, now in its 20th year. Club enrollment is now open, and members have the opportunity to win rewards, including a two-year lease on a Ford Super Duty F-350 Lariat truck.

Applications for the FiberMax One Ton Club can be submitted online, and printed forms will be mailed to qualified farmers. As an added incentive, farmers who attend the FiberMax One Ton Club members banquet in Lubbock, Texas, on April 3 are entered into the truck lease sweepstakes. The deadline to submit the application form is Feb. 28.

To qualify for the FiberMax One Ton Club, farmers must produce a minimum of 2,000 pounds of ginned cotton per acre on a minimum of 20 acres planted with 100% FiberMax cotton from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024.

The FiberMax One Ton Club is open to farmers in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

Cotton acreage can be either irrigated or dryland. Farmers must provide an accurate and complete qualification form and gin recap sheets by mail or online by Feb. 28, 2025.

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