Over the past few years, a confluence of economic and political events has negatively affected global textile demand — especially for cotton. Cotton Incorporated knows that one key to growing cotton demand is demonstrating to consumers the importance and relevance of cotton in their everyday lives.
Cotton Incorporated’s research indicates that while consumers know and love cotton, they are often too busy to think about it. In response, Cotton Incorporated has created a new platform to serve up countless opportunities for consumers to engage and interact with cotton as a brand. The new platform focuses on bringing cotton to the forefront, in not only the digital or shopping journey but also the social media conversations being had around style, wellness and sustainability. This marks the start of a fresh marketing era for Cotton Incorporated, packed with more content, more moments and even deeper connections with consumers.
Cotton Incorporated markets directly to consumers to drive demand for cotton products, ensuring that cotton’s message reaches a targeted audience where they receive most of their day-to-day information. The Fabric of Now is Cotton Incorporated’s new, always-on, modern marketing platform that lives within The Fabric of Our Lives® — a bold leap into the future of connecting cotton with consumers. The new era of cotton marketing kicked off in 2024 with a series of commercials that ran on TV, streaming and digital channels along with a robust social media companion effort.
Successful marketing efforts make efficient use of limited financial resources by focusing on a target audience that is most likely to buy and engage. Having a target audience ensures efforts are directed where they matter most and where they will likely influence behavior. The new, always-on marketing platform was designed to align with cotton’s target audience. The primary audience is “fashion females” (70% female, 30% male) ages 18 to 34. This audience wants to purchase natural, quality products, and they are influential in their own circles; meaning they share online reviews and tell their friends about products they love.
Cotton Incorporated has learned through extensive consumer research that this age group tends to lead extremely busy and often overwhelming lives and are receptive to messages that convey greater personal connectivity. And while they are more digitally connected than ever, many question how much online time is too much. The Fabric of Now platform is reaching this important market segment where and how they consume media with reminders that cotton is made for the activities of real life and enjoying moments with friends and family.
The Fabric of Now platform emphasizes the importance of slowing down. Today’s younger generation is overwhelmed by a constant barrage of news, information and screens, leading them to seek moments to take a breath and be intentional in their lives and shopping decisions. For this audience, cotton stands out as the ideal choice — natural, breathable and sustainable — perfect for their need to select products that align with the desire for mindfulness.
These videos interrupt life’s busyness to give the audience a moment to slow down and be intentional, to consider themselves, their surroundings and choose products that serve them well. Cotton is a natural fit in this thematic approach; intentionally choosing cotton for yourself, home and family. Be intentional in cotton.
The new videos were created with purpose. Featuring a charming dog — since consumers tend to respond to ads with pets — highlighting the durability and comfort of cotton sheets and showing trendy young people enjoying a Friday night dinner without being bothered by their phones, the commercials emphasize cotton being part of the relaxation that consumers are craving.
“Every day, we learn more about our audience, fine-tuning our approach to make our connections deeper and more meaningful,” says Anne David, Cotton Incorporated Director of Advertising. “Always-on and just a tap away, Cotton Incorporated is working with you, for you, and alongside you, to keep cotton in demand,” she said.
Cotton Incorporated’s Consumer Marketing Department activities and programs are created and implemented to motivate consumers to buy cotton products and to affirm cotton as the first choice among fibers. Each effort is intentionally designed to reach the consumer in a key part of their journey, from inspiring them to think about cotton, to leading them to make cotton purchases. To learn more about Cotton Incorporated’s connection to consumers, visit: cottonboard.org/consumers.