TCGA Seeks ‘Ginner Of The Year’ Nominations

TCGA logoThe Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association is seeking nominations for its annual “Ginner of the Year” award.

This is the highest honor a gin manager can receive from his or her industry peers. The award is presented during the TCGA Annual Meeting and Trade Show, April 4-5, 2019, at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center in Lubbock, Texas.

Guidelines for the selection of Ginner of the Year include:

• Service to customers by:

  1. Quality Ginning
  2. Ethical Business Standards
  3. Other Constructive Activities

• Service to all branches of the cotton industry through support and leadership of constructive activities and programs.

• Other contributions to the people of the community, county and state, such as:

  1. Civic Leadership
  2. Philanthropic Work

If you know someone who deserves this prestigious honor, send TCGA a letter describing his or her attributes. Supporting letters from other industry individuals and organizations are encouraged.

The deadline to submit nomination letters is Dec. 31.

Mail the information to:

The Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association
Ginner of the Year
408 West 14th Street
Austin, TX  78701


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