“Whole Package” Drew Me to PhytoGen

Mike GossMike Goss, pictured here  with his son, Lane, farms both dry land and irrigated cotton in the Texas Panhandle. Here, he recounts his 2017 experience with PhytoGen® brandPHY 300 W3FE and PHY 490 W3FE. Goss says his most challenging weeds are glyphosate-resistant Palmer pigweed and marestail, so his herbicide program included Enlist Duo® herbicide and Enlist One™ herbicide that he applied on a trial basis.

“In 2015, I agreed to do a PhytoGen variety trial on my farm, but I wasn’t familiar with the company. I did some research and found out that PhytoGen is the leader in the Pima and Acala markets. That was an eye-opener for me. I liked what I saw in 2015, so I planted PHY 333 WRF Upland on some irrigated acres in 2016. Since that variety did well, too, I doubled my PhytoGen acres in 2017. Although adverse weather affected quality across the board for all companies, the pounds on the PhytoGen varieties were where they should be. They were good.

“Because we battle glyphosate-resistant Palmer pigweed and marestail along with the kochias, or ironweed, I went with two Enlist varieties — PHY 300 W3FE and PHY 490 W3FE. Last year was the fi rst year I ran Enlist Duo, and I was very pleased with the results. It worked as advertised. I also tried Enlist One tank mixed with glufosinate, and it worked extremely well, too. I am excited about the freedom I will have with Enlist One to apply multiple effective modes of action in one pass.

“As we’ve converted acres to no-till and cover crop production systems, cold germ has been an issue. But even with our fairly small planting date window, we’ve been able to get a good stand with the PhytoGen varieties. I like the PhytoGen genetics, the germination, the weed control and the hands-on sales team. The whole package drew me to PhytoGen. I was stuck in a rut and made the switch on faith. It worked out for me.”

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