Monday, February 17, 2025

Enthusiasm In Texas For 2010 Crop

We all know how important Texas is to U.S. cotton production, and nowhere was that more evident than at the recent Texas Cotton Ginners Annual Meeting in Lubbock. Our magazine co-sponsors this show, and it’s obvious that a lot of producers and ginners are enthusiastic about the cotton prospects for 2010. Everywhere we walked at the TCGA Trade Show we could find producers, ginners, seed company reps and equipment reps talking about the same topic.
USDA must have taken note as well when it projected an increase of 600,000 planted acres for cotton this year in Texas. Winter rainfall has improved soil moisture profiles across the state, and many observers can’t recall a better start for cotton in the Lone Star state. When you consider that more than half of the cotton acres planted across the Belt are in Texas, it gives you an idea of how important this state is.
What makes Texas so interesting as a cotton production state is the diversity of weather found in each of its regions. Between the High Plains, Rolling Plains, Blacklands, Coastal Bend and Rio Grande Valley, you’re looking at a wide disparity in environments. Last year was particularly difficult for South Texas because of a drought that prevented most producers there from even planting a crop. This year, rainfall amounts were more than satisfactory, and the timing couldn’t have been better with prices increasing to the 80 to 85-cent range.
Texas producers and ginners have an almost contagious enthusiasm for cotton even when times are tough. They somehow find something hopeful to say about their crops…no matter how difficult the weather is treating them. But when the weather improves, and it appears they really do have a chance at making an excellent crop, their enthusiasm is off the charts. It’s as if they have already won the lottery. That was what we noticed most in Lubbock back in early April.
Say what you want about Texas cotton producers and ginners. They are some of the best ambassadors for the industry you’ll find anywhere.
This year they have a good reason to be enthusiastic.

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