Saturday, January 18, 2025

Something For Everyone

I’ve been attending the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show for the better part of two decades, and it never disappoints. Last week’s show was no exception. In fact, I can’t recall a Gin Show in Memphis in recent years that had more to In offer. Without a doubt, the highlight of the opening day was Memphis cotton merchant Joe Nicosia’s address at the Ag Update session where he gave his annual “Outlook for U.S. and World Cotton.” We always thought that Billy Dunavant was a lightning rod with his economic presentations at this Show in previous years. However, Nicosia has quickly gained a reputation for offering some of the most thought-provoking addresses I’ve heard.

If you’ve ever listened to Nicosia’s speeches, you know what I’m talking about. He doesn’t speak from a prepared text. He clips on a lapel microphone and walks back and forth in front of the audience….while simultaneously referring to images on a screen that he controls with a clicker. It is a Power Point presentation that keeps the audience pretty much captivated.

Nicosia, president and chief executive officer of Allenberg Cotton Company in Memphis, didn’t waste any time in getting to the cheap jerseys central point of his message. And it basically came down to this premise. Because of depleted stocks, the world will need an additional 5 million planted acres. He believes the projected 10.1 million planted acres for the United States in 2010 won’t be nearly enough to satisfy market demand.

For that reason, he is predicting that cotton prices will possibly exceed one dollar. Believe me when I tell students you that when those words came out of his mouth, there was a collective gasp in the audience. If Suite you were looking for something to perk up your interest in cotton for this year, that statement alone should have been enough.

As I said, it was two days of non-stop activity at this Show. Later on in the day, an informative Weed Management Seminar was presented, and the usual expertise was on display with wholesale jerseys remarks from weed scientists Ken Smith, Daniel Stephenson, Jason Bond and Larry Steckel. All agree that the awareness level cheap jerseys on this problem is at an all-time high. And producers seem to know that starting the season New with an effective cheap jerseys burndown is the first step toward dealing with weeds Basics such as resistant pigweed.

Finally, how can anyone forget the appearance and address from Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) who toured the Exhibit Hall on Saturday before speaking to a packed room of producers and ginners. Lincoln is in the middle of a contentious re-election campaign in Arkansas that is drawing national attention. However, during her address at avocati the Show, she reaffirmed her support and love of agriculture without referring to any of her opponents.

Regardless of a person’s politics, it’s hard to ignore Sen. Lincoln’s support of the cotton industry and the role she played in the development of the 2008 Farm Bill. That influence continues today in her position as chairman of the Senate Ag Committee.

The next few months, however, will be crucial as she attempts to win a third wholesale nba jerseys term in the Senate. We wish her the best of luck!

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